Privacy Policy


1.1 This is the privacy and security policy of Oxford School of Photography. Its purpose is to tell you how we process your "personal data" (i.e. data about any identified or identifiable living person). In particular: what personal data we collect and how we do this; how we use it; how we protect it; to whom we disclose it; how you can access, rectify or delete it it. This policy also tells you about some of the key rights which you have under data protection laws. We will only process your personal data as set out in our privacy policy or otherwise notified to or agreed by you as we are otherwise permitted to do in accordance with data protection laws. If you have any queries concerning this policy, please contact us by using the details on our website.

2.What personal data do we collect from you and how will we do this? Your email address

2.1 In order to respond to an enquiry, process and fulfil your booking or send you promotional material, we need to collect personal data from you (email address).

2.2 Examples of when and how we may collect your personal information include the following: If you have attended one of our courses or requested information about our courses

3. We use your personal data to administer, or communicate with you about, your booking of a course or to inform you of future course dates.

3. We will never share or sell your email address with any third party

4. How do we protect personal data?

4.1 We only store our contacts list on Mailchimp, the world's leading marketing platform for small business Here is a link to their security.

5. To whom do we disclose personal data? No one

6. How can you access, rectify and delete personal data? Please email us here

6.1 Under GDPR, you can request a copy of all the personal data we hold about you, or delete/modify it. To request or amend the information, please get in touch with us using the details provided on our website. You can delete the information we hold about you using this form.

6.2 For information about your rights under UK data protection laws, please visit the Information Commissioner's Office website.